

In this post, we will go through the steps to create a static Website for Personal Blogs

The solution will be using the following:

  • A Github Repo
    • Where we will be storing our Website code
  • Hugo
    • It will be used to build our static Website
  • Netlify
    • Provides inegration with GitHub and automation to deploy our Website
    • Comes with free integrated SSL/TLS Let’s Encrypt certificates

For the purpuses of this post, I will be using Ubuntu Linux as my Dev environment

This is a great introduction for all of you out there new to Devops and to using Git, especially SysAdmins moving to the Cloud/Devopsish side of things!

Let’s see how it works

Create a Private Github Repo

Logon to your Github or create a new account, and create a private Repo

Create Repo

Install Hugo

Hugo releases pages can be found here

Documentation on installing Hugo on different Operating Systems can be found here

We will install the latest version 0.60.1 as of the day of writing this post.

cd ~/Downloads
sudo dpkg -i hugo_0.60.1_Linux-64bit.deb  

Create Hugo empty Website

Navigate to the location where you want to add the hugo-demo folder for the website

The following command creats the site

hugo new site hugo-demo

Create Repo

Intialise the local Git repo and push to GitHub

Make sure to use your own Repo URL :)

cd hugo-demo
echo "# hugo-demo" >>
git init
git add --all
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

Add a template

Hugo has a huge library of templates available here

We will use, as an exemple Goa, a minimalist Theme

Download the repo (do not clone it) and unzip it to the themes folder within the freshly created Hugo site

unzip -d ~/hugo-demo/themes/

Rename the folder:

mv themes/hugo-goa-master/ themes/hugo-goa/

update the content of the site

  • Copy the configuration file from themes/hugo-goa-master/exampleSite/config.toml to the root folder of the site.
cp themes/hugo-goa-master/exampleSite/config.toml .
  • Edit the config.toml file to reflect your own information

  • Add a blog post

hugo new /blog/
  • Add content to the Post
  • Add an About page
hugo new /about/
  • Add content to the About page

  • Test your newly created site

hugo server

Navigate to http://localhost:1313

Build the Website on Netlify

Configure DNS

  • Go to Domains and follow the steps to add your own domain

Create the site using CI (Continious Integration)

  • Choose: New site from Git

This will enable Continious Inegration for the site

Create CI Netlify 1/3

  • Connect Netlify to your Git and add permissions to the repo

Create CI Netlify 1/3

  • Finish configuring the build
    • Click on Deploy the site

Create CI Netlify 1/3

  • Configure Custom Domain

Once the Build completes, select Custom Domain

Create Custom Domain Netlify 1/3

Verify the Custom domain

Create Custom Domain Netlify 2/3

Enable SSL using Let’s Encrypt

Et voilà :), the site is accessible using the custom domain

Create Custom Domain Netlify 2/3

Automatic content update

Whenever you add content to the site via /blog/ files, commiting your changes to GitHub will trigger CI to Netlify and the site will be rebuilt showing the latest updates